Ethanol in the classroom | E-LEARNING Module
This e-learning was developed for the Renewable Fuels Association to educate elementary, middle and high schoolers on all things ethanol. The module offers fun, interactive lessons geared toward students in Grades 3–5, 6–8, or 9–12. Students choose a vehicle to navigate an interactive roadmap for their online journey to learn about ethanol earning badges along the way.
Each stop delivers age-appropriate instruction a topic. Students are rewarded for completing knowledge assessments, and immediate feedback reinforces learning objectives. Students end their trip with a final true-false, no-stress Ethanol Challenge to reinforce what they’ve learned in the course.
Development Software: Articulate Storyline 360
Design Software: Adobe Illustrator & Adobe Photoshop
Interactive Map Design Inspiration: E-Learning Heroes Challenge (submitted by Tim Slade)